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The Kendo UI Forms Guide


screenshot from forms guide

Our forms guide covers a wide range of topics, from how to structure a horizontal form with labels inline instead of the default stacked one, how to separate form components into logical chunks, the best way to handle hint and validation messages, displaying content in a form based on the state of a form element and so much more. We gathered all this information to help you create the best possible Angular forms possible, even if you're not using Kendo UI for Angular. I’ll dive into a few of the juiciest pieces of advice in this article. Be sure to check out the full Forms Guide to see our full list of advice when it comes to semantic and well behaved forms!

“Horizontal form layout” → aka Inline Labels

A common way to create forms and display labels is vertically, like the form below. This is created by having the labels and inputs be block level and full width, so they all stack nicely in a column. (This is default, btw, with Kendo UI form components inside a parent kendo-formfield.)

vertical form screenshot with labels above input fields

However, it is a simple matter to have side-by-side or inline labels for a “Horizontal Layout”:

  • assign the k-form-horizontal class to the form element
  • set the orientation property of the FormField to horizontal
horizontal form with labels side-by-side input fields

Check out the differences here in this StackBlitz.

Accessibility & Semantic Win with Grouping Form Controls

A good tip to remember for SEO and accessibility wins is to group your form controls logically and surround groups with legend and fieldset elements.

A legend is a way to create a label for a group of content (the fieldset).

a screenshot of a legend that says “your favorite MLP” with three pony options in the fieldset

Sometimes it can be hard to know when we should use elements like this in our forms. The accessibility blog for Gov.UK advises to use them whenever you have multiple questions relating to the same topic or a multiple choice question with radio buttons that need to be grouped together under one legend.

When used correctly, the fieldset and legend elements tie related form fields together in a way that is accessible to people who cannot see the visual layout of the form. — Gov.UK

SEO and Accessibility are two items that people do not always think about for Forms, but one solution to furthering your form towards a more being more accessible is utilizing these two elements.

Separating Form Controls with Line Breaks

Another super simple and under-used solution for chunking forms is the line break!

Separators add a line break to the layout and improve the form conversion rate. The separation of sections allows you to make long forms easier to handle. To add a separator, add the k-form-separator class on a span element.

Just look at how such a small thing can really elevate a form:

form comparison with and without linebreak

It’s such a small thing but it can really help break up content and set a smoother flow for the user. Using Kendo UI, it is as simple as adding a k-form-separator!

Form Validation & Error Messages

Error Indicators — Something is Wrong with Your Input

Another issue our forms guide gets into is form validation. It’s important to give feedback to users when they’re walking through a form. Not just the color indicators of the form-field or the error messages are important, but also the timing of the error. It’s best to have the errors only show up after the field has been touched or edited (dirty).

gif of form field errors happening on the fly

It’s important to not only have validation on your forms, but have it occur at the right time. Right after the user has improperly filled something out is the time to alert them, not when the form is being submitted.

Kendo UI’s FormField component enables you to control when and how validation messages will be shown, easily, in compliance with the Angular form validation guide. Check out more on the FormField component in our docs for more details.

Along with the accessibility guidelines, logical form chunking and form validation, our forms guide also outlines many of our commonly used form elements and how to construct them together properly in an Angular form. Check it out for all your form needs: Forms Guide.

As always, we love love love feedback here on the Kendo UI team! Please let us know if this demo app was useful to you and what kind of other demo apps you’d like to see!

kendoka asking for feedback

Kendo UI for Angular Feedback Portal

Alyssa is the Angular Developer Advocate for Kendo UI. If you're into Angular, React, Vue or jQuery and also happen to love beautiful and highly detailed components, check out Kendo UI. You can find the Kendo UI for Angular library here or just jump into a free 30 day trial today. Happy Coding!

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