To help you get started developing apps faster, we've created the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Virtual Classroom training. Just pick up a free trial of the suite to get full access today.
Pursuing our goal to help software companies deliver more than expected, we conducted research among our developer community on aspects influencing their productivity when starting work with a new software library. Based on the results we got, the learning curve duration and steepness appeared to be among the top factors of importance. When starting a project with a new software product, the developers look for a quick way to get familiar with fundamentals, access to video tutorials, documentation, sample code, demos, and API reference.
So, to speed-up the onboarding process with Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core and make the learning curve shorter and enjoyable we created the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Virtual Classroom training. It wraps up all these important factors and provides hands-on developer experience with building an issue tracker ASP.NET Core application.
The online technical training is available as part of the free trial of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core library to help you quickly evaluate and build a proof of concept of your project requirements (and stays available throughout the span of your subscription after purchase).
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Financial Portfolio Data Visualization
Over the last couple of years, ASP.NET Core has become the preferred framework for creating powerful web apps. To support developers across the globe in building beautiful and impactful web applications, we created the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core library to enable fast, secure and cross-platform application development with modern UI. The UI for ASP.NET Core suite now includes more than 80 UI components – all you need for data visualization and input, navigation, layout and navigation, scheduling and even document processing in your ASP.NET Core apps.
Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core Technical Online Training Syllabus
The Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core technical online training has an approximate duration of 2,5 hours, split into seven modules with the following learning path:
- Module 1: Introduction (Resources, Prerequisites, Tour of Demo Application for Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core)
- Module 2: Installing Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core (Installation and Creating First Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core application, Solution structure)
- Module 3: UI for ASP.NET Core Project Fundamentals (Server-side setup, Tag and HTML helpers, Script rendering, Scripts and Styles)
- Module 4: Basic UI ASP.NET Core Components
- Module 5: Charts in ASP.NET Core Applications
- Module 6: Grid in ASP.NET Core Applications
- Module 7: Styling and Theming in ASP.NET Core Applications (Built-In Themes, Creating Custom Theme, Styling and Icons)
The demand for creating robust web business applications with a modern UI is growing, while the time we have is limited to 24 hours a day. As developers, we must be able to quickly learn and apply various architectural principles, programming languages and implementation practices in new projects. And yet we continuously look for ways to be faster, more productive and be able to quickly find the technical answers we are searching for.
The training format and syllabus allow learning at your own pace and referring to topics of interest when needed. It provides a great way to onboard new team members and boosts developer productivity with hands-on experience for building a real-world application, along with multiple how-to topics and code examples.
Download Free Trial of Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core with included Technical Training
Like you, we are developers and we have spent countless hours working to deliver projects on time. We hope that by providing smooth, fast and practical onboarding experience for developers, we will enable you to speed-up ASP.NET Core development process and let you easily build modern UI into complex web application(s).
We encourage you to download the Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core with included Technical Training, cut development time in half and enjoy ASP.NET Core coding!