If you have had your ear to the ground of the interwebs over the past 48 hours, you may have seen that our very own John Bristowe launched a brand new site called jqueryuivskendoui.com. It’s been making the rounds through Twitter, Hacker News, Reddit and various other places.
Additionally John has been in contact with the fine folks over at jQuery UI making sure that we get everything correct in terms of accuracy and inclusion of all framework items. They are a great group and we are fortunate enough to work in a segment of web development where we have such amazing choices in terms of the tools we use.
You should find the site broken down by functional area of the frameworks including Widgets, Effects, Globalization and the like. Comments are enabled on the site, and as always we encourage you to leave your feedback and let us know what you think.
Of course, be sure to fully read John’s disclaimer and check out the licensing differences between the two frameworks under the Introduction section.
We encourage you to stop over and checkout the side-by-side comparison of Kendo UI and jQuery UI. We realize the question will eventually cross your mind and you should have the facts you need to decide which framework is right for your project.