Check out all the latest updates in this Service Pack update to Telerik UI for Xamarin—null values in charts, selection in Entry and lots of improvements are here for Calendar, ListView and more.
Last month we published R3 2018 release of our Telerik UI for Xamarin suite with tons of goodies like scheduling capabilities in RadCalendar, financial and donut charts, expander, accordion, border, checkbox and new autocomplete control. Now, a month later the Service Pack is out featuring null values support in RadChart, selection in RadEntry and a ton of improvements across the suite.
Chart Null Value Support
With this service release, we have added null values support to our charting control. Now if the data source contains entries with null values, the chart will respect this and will not render anything, allowing the series to continue once valid values are available:RadEntry Gets Selection Capabilities
We have also added an API to pre-select text within RadEntry. Use the CursorPosition and SelectionLength properties to control this.
.radEntry1.CursorPosition = 13;
.radEntry1.SelectionLenght = 8;
These same APIs, can be conveniently utilized when you want to understand what the current selection is in the control.
In addition, based on your feedback we have made plenty of improvements to controls across the suite like Calendar, Chart, AutoCompleteView, DataGrid, DataForm, ListView, TreeView, MaskedInput, BusyIndicator.
Watch the R3 2018 Release Webinar
Did you watch the R3 2018 Release Webinar? Make sure not to miss all the updates, presented by our developer advocates Sam Basu (@samidip) and Ed Charbeneau (@EdCharbeneau).
Share Your Feedback
If you have not downloaded the release yet head our to your Telerik account or download a free trial to grab the bits and give them a try.