On this episode of Angular air, we talk to many presenters from ng-conf 2018, and revisit the best parts of many talks and workshops from ng-confs past.
Recently on Angular Air, we had a really special guest list. Random speakers from ng-conf! We last minute reached out to some speakers on the ng-conf 2018 roster and also had Joe Eames and Aaron Frost (two of the big wig organizers ;) ) join us. It was such an incredible show.
Our panelists were the usual insane lot:
Our gorgeous and awesome guests include:
- Joe Eames
- Aaron Frost
- Sergio Cruz
- Tara Manicsic
- Jeff Whelpley
- Jeff Cross
- Jeff Cross's illustrious beard
- Samantha Brennan
- Keith Stewart
- Shai Reznik
As speakers would jump into the hangout, we'd ask them about their talk or their workshop. Near the end of the show, we all started getting very nostalgic and instead of doing picks, we… (Continue reading at telerik.com)