The Telerik Ninja and Kendoka are going to the BASTA! 2018 Conference in Frankfurt, alongside their friends from the Telerik and Kendo UI product teams. Stop by our booth to talk tech, get a personal product demo and score some sweet gifts.
BASTA! has been a leading conference for .NET, Windows & Open innovation for more than 20 years. As the development scene has been changing so has the format of event, and it now also includes a lot of sessions and topics on JavaScript, as well as cloud services and providers.
Since we missed the show in 2017, we are very happy to be back at BASTA! Conference in 2018, both on the conference floor and on stage. Oh, yes! We'll have a session on Xamarin and memory optimization, but more on that later. First, let me introduce the team:
The Team
Tsvyatko Konov Pavlina Hadjieva Dobrin Grancharov
t: @tsvyatco t: @dobrin_g
We are quite friendly and would love to meet up with you and talk, so if you see us please don’t be shy and come right over! You can find us under the big light box with the Progress logo and right beside our favorite Telerik Ninja and Kendoka characters. Additionally, we will be around for the event networking sessions and parties, basically all around.
Meet Us and Get a Product Demo
At the booth we'll have some pretty cool product demos in store for you, where you can learn more about the Telerik and Kendo UI products. The demo sessions will cover web, mobile and desktop development and will include something for both the C# devs as well as the JavaScript audience, ranging from Xamarin, UWP and WPF and AJAX, all the way to React, Vue, Angular and jQuery.
You can also score an individual product demo, just make sure to look us up and come by.
Sessions and Talks
Our Manager of Engineering for Xamarin, Tsvyatko, will be giving a talk on how to better optimize memory when building Xamarin mobile apps. He has extensive experience in building mobile apps and knows this topic like the back of his hand, and he's bound to have some good advice and best practices for you. You can look up the exact date and time of the session on the program, but I will also update this blog post once that has been announced.
Special Giveaways and SWAG
One cannot argue that apart from getting to meet likeminded fellow developers and learn more about the latest trends in the industry, conferences are a great place to get geared up with some sweet prizes and SWAG.
For BASTA!, we will be raffling off a pair of Bose QC headphones (yes, these are one of the best noise cancelling headphones) and also giving away tons of sweet sweet t-shirts and stickers, as well as some pretty awesome laptop cases (see image below if you don’t believe me )
See You at BASTA!
We are looking forward to all the great talks at the conference and meeting with you. See you in just a week! Can’t wait!