We recap all the news from the latest Kendo UI release and answer the questions we couldn't get to live about Angular, React and more. Missed the webinar? You can watch the replay below.
Last week, we hosted the Kendo UI R3 2017 release webinar, which highlighted the latest features and improvements we’ve added to Kendo UI for jQuery and Kendo UI for Angular. It also introduced Kendo UI Support for React and Kendo UI Support for Vue. This blog post summarizes the event and provides answers to the questions that were asked by attendees.
Webinar Recording
If you were unable to join us for the live webinar, don’t worry: we’ve posted the recording to the Kendo UI channel on YouTube.
Prize Winner
It’s a bit of a traditional for us to give away prizes to attendees who ask the best questions. This time is no different. The winner this time around is Tony Garcia who will receive an Oculus Rift + Touch Virtual Reality System!
Questions and Answers
What’s the oldest version of AngularJS you support?
You can read the supported versions of AngularJS from our documentation.
Are features like the Material theme and features in the Grid component available for Vue?
Yes since Kendo UI Support for Vue are wrappers of Kendo UI for jQuery.
Where can I find documentation?
That’s easy: docs.telerik.com.
Does endless scrolling in the Grid require a static grid height to be set?
No. The Grid has a default height. It uses that value (or the height you set) to calculate the view for endless scrolling.
Can VueJS be implemented using a custom Kendo UI build?
I’d recommend checking out the Getting Started article we have in the documentation. In particular, there’s a section entitled, Integrate Kendo UI for Vue.js using NPM and Webpack that’s worth checking out.
Is the Material theme supported in React?
Yes. All the themes that ship with Kendo UI for jQuery are available in Kendo UI Support for React.
Are the same Sass-based themes used for both Angular and jQuery?
Yes. We have the theme available in the GitHub repository, kendo-theme-material.
What about Material Design theme for Kendo UI for jQuery?
This theme is currently available for Kendo UI for jQuery and Kendo UI for Angular.
Is there a roadmap of when the theme builder is updated with the R3 release changes?
The Progress Sass Theme Builder is currently up-to-date with everything we covered in the webinar.
When is the ngModel update of a TimePicker? onBlur or onChange?
It’s for the event, valueChange
. We have a demo of this capability available here.
How about the Grid making it responsive to different media sizes? Is it covered on this new release?
I’d recommend checking out the documentation we have that covers the responsive design support in the Grid.
You referred to the new ReactJS support as “wrappers”. So, does this still require jQuery? If so, are there any plans for KendoUI for React that is “native” to React and doesn’t require jQuery? (i.e. KendoUI for Angular)?
Yes, Kendo UI Support for React are wrappers of Kendo UI for jQuery. Therefore, jQuery remains a dependency. We have plans to introduce native support for React in the R1 2018 release timeline. You can read about this in the Kendo UI roadmap.
Can you resize the columns of the Grid component?When will column resizing be part of Angular Grid component?Do you have grid column resizing and moving feature in this release?
The column resizing got delayed a bit, sorry! We need few weeks to complete it and will publish an incremental update.
I’ve been working with the Kendo UI for Angular and would like to know how to modify the themes for the UI. Is there any documentation that explains the functionality of the themes?
Here’s the link for themes and styling with kendo for angular: http://www.telerik.com/kendo-angular-ui/components/styling/
When will a tree component be available in Kendo UI for Angular?
I’d recommend checking out the [Kendo UI for Angular roadmap] for more information about timelines for components like the TreeView. It’s a short-term goal of ours to deliver this component.
Is there any plans to make a Vanilla JS of version Kendo UI for jQuery so that jQuery wouldn’t be required to use?
We have no such plans at this time.