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UI for WinForms R3 2017: RadSpreadsheet, New Material Themes, PDF Form Filling & More


We introduce the top requested control, RadSpreadsheet, as well as more Material Themes, form filling in RadPdfViewer and more. Check out what's new in R3 2017.

Using the R2 2017 release as a stepping stone, we continue to add desired features to our component suite. We are adding the most wanted control to an already formidable set of components, namely RadSpreadsheet. We have new Material Themes, form filling in RadPdfViewer, easy integration with analytics providers and more. In addition, we also published our Demo application in the Windows Store, showcasing how a WinForms application can utilize the capabilities and market reach of the Windows Store.

For a full list of what is new and what is improved in the Telerik products make sure to subscribe for the R3 2017 release webinar.

RadSpreadsheet for WinForms

Based on your feedback, we have added the most wanted component to our suite. RadSpreadsheet will be released as a beta initially. We have packed a lot of features into it and will continue to improve the component further for the official full version.


New Material Themes with Color Variations

After the release of the first material theme we are adding three new ones with different color palettes. The names are MaterialTeal, MaterialPink and MaterialBlueGray. In an upcoming blog post we'll detail how you can create a Material theme with your desired colors in a few easy steps.


Form Filling in RadPdfViewer

We added PDF form filling to our PdfProcessingLibrary in our R2 2017 release. Continuing on from there we have added support for filling forms and signing documents right into RadPdfViewer, which allows users to edit fields and sign PDF documents such templates, job applications, goverment documents, etc. These additions necessitate changes that make the control .NET 4.0+, so as of R3 2017, we will no longer provide a .NET 2.0 version of the control.

Analytics Provider Integration

Usage statistics are a powerful way for improving your application’s quality, feature set and UX. To give you more options in this field we are adding support for reporting application usage with any analytics provider out there. We also introduced an example of how this can be done using Google Analytics.

WinForms in the Windows Store?

Our WinForms Demo application is now published to the Windows Store, and you can find it here. The application showcases all the controls available in the suite and gives users the opportunity to review the code and have a real example of the controls in action with preloaded data. To accomplish this, we used the Desktop Bridge provided by Microsoft, which allowed us to easily convert the WinForms app to appx and upload it to the store.

If you have or are currently creating a WinForms app that could benefit from being published in the Windows Store (another monetization channel perhaps), take a look at the Desktop Bridge. You can rest assured that apps created with UI for WinForms are fully compatible with the process. 

Telerik UI for WinForms and .NET 2.0

We wanted to share one other change that may affect you, which is that our development tools are now targeting .NET 4.0 and later. While most of our controls still support .NET 2.0, our developer tools (VisualStyleBuilder, and ThemeViewer) and Demo application are now based on .NET 4.0. 

Try it Out and Share Your Feedback

The latest bits of Telerik UI for WinForms are already available in your account. If you don’t have one, you can try it out with a free trial.

As always, feel free to use our Feedback portal to share your ideas and/or vote for existing ones.

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