Looking forward to Microsoft Build 2017? So are we! There about bound to be some amazing announcements. We will be there too (booth #108), so make sure to stop by, meet the team and discuss the latest trends in tech, including our UI for UWP and UI for Xamarin. We have some cool SWAG too.
Micorosft /build starts in just a few days and the excitement around the event is growing by the minute. As usual, there are high expectations for the conference with large announcements by Microsoft and various sessions and talks by some of the biggest names in the industry.
Parties, Connections and Mingling
There is no question that Build offers great opportunities to connect attendees, be it around the conference floor or at the various surrounding events and parties, and we have already marked a few meetups on our calendars. We will be hosting a Progress Telerik party too, so should you arrive in Seattle a day sooner, drop by the TapHouseGrill after 7pm on the 9th of May for a few drinks and snacks on us. Let’s get this conference started! RSVP here and get some cool swag too.
Progress at /build: Booth and Sessions
We wouldn’t miss the conference for the world and as usual the cool guys from the Product and Developer Relations teams will be present there. Head over and meet us at Booth 108, where we will have some great product demos and prize giveaways, as well as giving out our epic .NET Ninja Returns t-shirts.
At Build 2016, John Bristowe talked about NativeScript and VS Code. It’s a great honor for us to have him speaking at the conference this year again. He will be hosting a session on “Creating Custom UI Controls in XAML,” focusing on the end-to-end control development of what is needed to ensure a great custom piece of UI. Stay tuned for details on the time and location.
Telerik UI for Xamarin Licenses for Free
If you haven’t had a chance to play around with our UI controls for Xamarin, you can get a product demo at our booth. You can also score one of 100 UI for Xamarin licenses by tweeting the answer to “What would you build with UI for Xamarin?” with #TelerikUIforXamarin.
What would you build? (Tweet this)
You can see the full terms, plus learn more about what we're up to at Build right here.
Telerik UI for UWP—Open Sourced
Windows 10 has seen growing adoption among desktop users and is now the second most used OS in the world, making up about 25% of the market. With this shift towards the new OS, more and more Win32, WinForms and WPF applications will have to be converted to UWP through the Desktop Bridge and many more will be created from scratch. In a survey over 52% of /build keynote watchers said they will move to Windows 10 soon because of Bash.
As usual, the creation of UI elements can be a handful, when it comes to timely delivery. However, if you are in need UWP UI—do not despair. As of the beginning of this year, UI for UWP is open-sourced and available on GitHub. You can get a UI for UWP demo by the same developers who build the product at our booth.
See You at //Build!
It has been a great year for Microsoft so far and we expect the conference to bring some more juicy announcements. Can’t wait!