Since its release last year, NativeScript has helped countless developers build performant mobile apps for Android and iOS. The recent NativeScript 2.3 release makes creating apps even easier, with Angular 2 updates, a new theme and a whole lot more.
Want to see it in action? Join Raymond Camden, Burke Holland, and TJ VanToll on Thursday, October 13th to see the following:
- Angular 2 final: Angular 2 is now final, and NativeScript 2.3 supports it. Learn how NativeScript lets you use Angular 2 to build powerful native applications, and how you have the ability to share code between your native and web apps.
- A new theme: As it turns out, native apps can be just as ugly as web apps. The new NativeScript theme can help with that, with a series of CSS class names that make your iOS and Android UIs look good out of the box. In the webinar you’ll learn how the theme helps you build apps that are at least 100% less hideous.
- UI for NativeScript Forms are hard, regardless of whether you’re building them on the web, in an app, or on paper. (I’m looking at you Bank of America.) While we don’t have a good solution for building paper forms, the new DataForm control in UI for NativeScript makes adding a form to your native apps pretty darn easy.
- Internet of Things: NativeScript’s deep device integration makes it perfect for building apps that talk to the Internet of Things. And MeWatt did just that. Come hear how MeWatt used NativeScript to build an iOS and Android app you can use to manage your appliances’ power usage remotely.
Ready to see how all of these features can help you build an amazing app? Ready to see Burke Holland attempt to live code an app that shows all of these things in less than an hour? Awesome! Sign up now and join us on the 13th. Until then, happy NativeScript-ing!