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Kendo UI R1 2016 Webinar Wrapup


The Kendo UI R1 2016 webinar was a huge event. The recording is now available on YouTube and we've selected the winners of all our great prizes.

Last week we officially took the wraps off of the first major release of Kendo UI for 2016. We had over 4,000 people register for the webinar. In case you missed it, let me give you the TL;DR.

  • Documentation improvements (wave 1)
  • New Dashboard Template
  • Spreadsheet Enhancements
    • Client-Side importing
    • New formula option and improved functions
    • Enhanced export (client-side PDF)
    • Disable cells or ranges of cells
    • Auto-fill
    • A huge new client API
  • Grid Enhancements
    • Excel-like filtering
    • Enhanced filtering
      • Filtering by null/empty values
  • Disabling dates in Calendar Pickers
    • One of our most requested features of all time!
  • Spreadsheet for UI for MVC
  • New VS app templates
  • Update on ASP.NET Core 1 and proposed support for TagHelpers

And lastly, HUGE news about the new version of Kendo UI. More on this in a moment.

Of course, we always record our webinars. Not everyone has the time to watch the entire thing, and webinar technology hasn't quite caught up to where we need it to be yet, meaning it's quite often that people have audio or video issues that prevent them from being able to watch the live event.

For that reason, you can catch last week's event now on YouTube in crystal clear HD. It's like a party for your eyeballs.

Big News About Kendo UI 2.0

Some of the biggest news from the webinar was about the new version of Kendo UI that we are building right now. Internally, we refer to it as "k2", but you can just call it "Kendo UI." It's going to be, wait for it, "Huuuuuuuuggge."

During the latter part of 2015, we noticed a dramatic shift in thinking regarding how to work with the DOM in a web application. For the first time, we saw a push to insert HTML into JavaScript, not the other way around.

This means that the traditional way of selecting and working with elements, the classical model of non-intrusive JavaScript, the common practice of attaching event listeners—all of this changes with the new models brought by React and Angular 2. Whether you agree with this or not, it's happening, and both of these frameworks are really marvelous feats of engineering.

That's why we're completing rebuilding Kendo UI from the ground up as a set of React and Angular 2 components.

But don't worry. The jQuery version of Kendo UI isn't going anywhere, and we've got a lot of features and new widgets planned for it. You only need to adopt React or Angular 2 if those frameworks are right for your team and your project.

Whether you choose jQuery, React or Angular 2, Kendo UI will be there to provide you with the most gorgeous UI for your most gorgeous application ideas.

More Coming Soon!

Soon. Very soon, you will see a new GitHub repo made public and you can track our progress as we recreate Kendo UI core as this new set of components.

We'll be firing up a new community very soon for "k2," and we'll want your ideas and feedback. Make sure you follow the official Kendo UI and Telerik Twitter accounts so you don't miss any details.

Prize Winners

Lastly, the reason you came to this blog post. We love to give away prizes, because we can. If you don't remember, we had three awesome giveaways this time: A 3D Printer, a set of Lego Mindstorms, and a Roku 4.

Mindstorms Winner

lego mindstorms

First off, we picked the best question asked during the Q&A to win the Lego Mindstorms EV3 kit. That prize goes to Jason Maronge. His question was on point. Here it is:

Q: Our company is just beginning to convert our Silverlight app to HTML. What we have decided to do is to continue the Angular 2 route with using kendo jquery widgets by creating them in the ngAfterViewInit method. Once you start releasing the new Angular 2 controls we will swap them out.

Does anyone at Telerik see anything wrong with this approach? Do you know of any issues we may run into?

A: Our suggestion would be to wait for the first previews of our Kendo UI Angular 2 components (see this blog for reference) and once they are available to start using them in your Angular 2 projects. Since they are going to be built as native Angular 2 components, they won't be compatible with the currently existing jQuery widgets, although the APIs can be similar.

Have in mind that present Kendo UI jQuery widgets and future Kendo UI Angular 2 components can co-exist in Angular 2 apps. Hence you should be able use them temporarily side-by-side and then gradually migrate to Kendo UI for Angular 2 once all replacement components are available.

Great question Jason!

3D Printer Winner

3d printer

We decided to give away a printer to the person with the best feature suggestion, and that was Geoffrey Rodgers. Actually, several people made this suggestion, he was just the first to do so.

Suggestion: Aurelia is not as popular as Angular 2 and React (yet) but is it at least still a focus for the Kendo UI team? It seems like a great framework to support due to its plugin support that other frameworks may eventually incorporate (hopefully).

A: First off, let me say that there are some people on our team that are huge fans of Aurelia (cough Cody cough).

Aurelia is a remarkable application framework. While we would love to build widgets for all of the great libraries out there, we can only focus on the ones that have a large developer groundswell. Right now, that is React, and Angular 2 because of Angular 1.

In the meantime, there is a great open source project for using Kendo UI widgets within Aurelia that we highly suggest you check out. Great stuff from some very talented developers out there.

Roku 4

Lastly, we're giving a Roku 4 to a random person. All you had to do to be eligible to win this prize was to register for the webinar. Our lucky winner is Ron Porteous.

Roku 4

If you were one of our lucky winners, we've got your email address and we'll be in touch soon.

It's Gonna Be Huge

This is a very exciting time for Kendo UI. We reboot our web product about every four ears, and 2016 is that year for Kendo UI.

Congratulations to all of our winners, and thank you for making Kendo UI the best UI framework in the world. It is nothing without the developers who use it to bring their ideas to life.

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