How To: Create a Report (Visual Studio)
Updated help article elaborating on how to create reports in Visual Studio with the new VS templates.
Older ReportViewer controls Cache Management
Updated article elaborating on the older Report Viewer controls cache management.
Report Sources
Updated article elaborating on Report Sources and how they work.
Map Types
Help article elaborating on the available Map types.
Telerik UI for WPF
Introducing Dynamic Fonts with Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes in Telerik UI for WPF and Silverlight
Almost two years ago we introduced dynamic FontSize and FontFamily with our Metro themes (Windows8 and Windows8Touch) by using custom markup extensions technique. Based on the success of this approach we are happy to announce that with Q1 2015 our latest themes, Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 now support dynamic FontSize and FontFamily.
Drag and Drop within RadGridView
The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to implement drag and drop within RadGridView.
This example demonstrates how to add a button that clears the current SelectedItem in Single SelectionMode.
This article describes the routing algorithms of the RadDiagram framework.
Showing Arrows and DropDown Button
This section describes how to add Arrows and DropDown Buttoon to the DocumentHost.
This project demonstrates how to implement a "recurring" Task in the RadGanttView control for Silverlight and WPF.
The article demonstrates how the scrolling behavior works.
Reordering Columns
Added "Scrolling Behavior while Reordering" section to the article.
Re-evaluations of data operations
This article explains why data operations like filtering, sorting or grouping are not re-evaluated.
Access Filtering Popup
This article illustrates how the filtering popup can be accessed.
Export Async
As of version 2015 Q1 SP we have introduced an overload of the ExportAsync method that exposes "finished callback": Action exportFinishedCallback.
Telerik RadialMenu for WPF and SIlverlight Have a Different Look and Feel
The blog post demonstrates how to customize the appearance of RadRadialMenu.
The example demonstrates how to implement Print Preview functionality using RadRichTextBox.
Save and Save As
The example demonstrates how to implement Save functionality as opposite to Save As.
SpreadProcessing: Complete Solution to Create, Modify and Export Spreadsheets, Part III
This blog post is part of a series demonstrating the full power of RadSpreadProcessing as a complete spreadsheet solution. Part 3 focuses on how to filter a worksheet's content and export it to PDF.
The article has been updated with information about the new API allowing to create a RadFixedDocument.
Performance Tips and Tricks
Information on how to avoid cell value parsing has been added.
Templates Structure
This article describes RadTileList Templates Structure.
Change the periods' strip line background
This article demonstrates how to change the color of the strip lines of the timeline's periods.
Timeline SelectionMode with custom templates
This forum describes how to use a custom TimelineItemTemplate without using the built-in selection of the RadTimeline control.
Templates Structure
This article describes RadWizard Templates Structure.
The article has been updated with information about the new API allowing to create a RadFixedDocument.
Updated with information regarding rotation of sections.
dynamically adding usercontrols as a tileviewitem
This blog post describes how users can drap RadTreeViewItems into RadTileVew.
Telerik UI for Silverlight
Introducing Dynamic Fonts with Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 themes in Telerik UI for WPF and Silverlight
Almost two years ago, we introduced dynamic FontSize and FontFamily with our Metro themes (Windows8 and Windows8Touch) by using custom markup extensions technique. Based on the success of this approach, we are happy to announce with Q1 2015, our latest themes Office2013 and VisualStudio2013 now support dynamic FontSize and FontFamily.
Drag and Drop within RadGridView
The purpose of this tutorial is to show you how to implement drag and drop within RadGridView.
This example demonstates how to add a button that clears the current SelectedItem in Single SelectionMode.
This article describes the routing algorithms of the RadDiagram framework.
Showing Arrows and DropDown Button
This section describes how to add Arrows and DropDown Buttoon to the DocumentHost.
This project demonstrates how to implement a "recurring" Task in the RadGanttView control for Silverlight and WPF.
The article demonstrates how the scrolling behavior works.
Reordering Columns
Added "Scrolling Behavior while Reordering" section to the article.
Re-evaluations of data operations
This article explains why data operations like filtering, sorting or grouping are not re-evaluated.
Access Filtering Popup
This article illustrates how the filtering popup can be accessed.
Export Async
As of version 2015 Q1 SP we have introduced an overload of the ExportAsync method that exposes "finished callback": Action exportFinishedCallback.
Map Layout Cycle Detected
The forum post describes how a client solved a "Unhandled Error in Silverlight Application Code: 4008" error.
Telerik RadialMenu for WPF and SIlverlight Have a Different Look and Feel
The blog post demonstrates how to customize the appearance of RadRadialMenu.
The example demonstrates how to implement Print Preview functionality using RadRichTextBox.
SpreadProcessing: Complete Solution to Create, Modify and Export Spreadsheets, Part III
This blog post is part of a series demonstrating the full power of RadSpreadProcessing as a complete spreadsheet solution. Part 3 focuses on how to filter a worksheet's content and export it to PDF.
The article has been updated with information about the new API allowing to create a RadFixedDocument.
Performance Tips and Tricks
Information on how to avoid cell value parsing has been added.
Templates Structure
This article describes RadTileList Templates Structure.
Change the periods' strip line background
This article demonstrates how to change the color of the strip lines of the timeline's periods.
Timeline SelectionMode with custom templates
This forum describes how to use a custom TimelineItemTemplate without using the built-in selection of the RadTimeline control.
Templates Structure
This article describes RadWizard Templates Structure.
dynamically adding usercontrols as a tileviewitem
This blog post describes how users can drоp RadTreeViewItems into RadTileVew.
Telerik UI for WinForms
Creating custom rows
RadGridView provides a variety of visual cells per row with different functionality and purpose. However, in some cases you may need to display custom elements, not a single cell per column. This article demonstrates a sample approach for how to create a custom row element.
Add Header and Footer to the Exported Document
This article describes how one can add header and footer to the exported xlsx file.
Pdf Format Overview.
A list of supported features.
Using PdfFormatProvider
Example of importing and exporting RadFlowDocument.
Extensibility manager and PDF/A compliant exporting.
Data Validation
The data validation rules to control the user input.
Inverse Axis
Implementation of a chart series with inverse axes.
Article about the ScatterAreaSeries plotting its data using two numerical values.
Scale Breaks
The ScaleBreaks feature allows you to "break off" large chunks of the axis so that graphs with large amplitude are easier to read.
Updated Help Articles
Installation, Deployment and Distribution
Redistributing Telerik UI for WinForms
Tutorial of how a Public Key Deployment can be performed.
Formats and Conversion
Pdf export section added.
.New KB articles
Animate the page expanding in RadPageView with ExplorerBar view
This article demonstrates how you can change the current page when a page is hovered and how you can animate the page expanding.
Collapsible menu from Demo application
This article demonstrates how to achieve the collapsible menu from Demo application.